Difficulty: basic
Lesson Type: curriculum
Subject: computer-science |
Grade Level: |
Resource URL: http://mobile-csp.org/ |
Mobile Computer Science Principles (Mobile CSP) is an endorsed provider of the
Advanced Placement Computer Science Principles (AP CSP) curriculum and professional development. Students learn computer science by building socially useful mobile apps. In addition to programming and computer science principles, the course is project-based and emphasizes writing, communication, collaboration, and creativity. A complete set of free, openly licensed, Mobile CSP curricular and instructional materials are available online.
Developed and piloted at Trinity College, Mobile CSP is now also partnered with the College of St. Scholastica. Both are funded by the National Science Foundation.
Since 2013 the Mobile CSP project has provided professional development to more than 400 teachers throughout the U.S. and reached more than 6,000 students. For 2017-18, there are more than 600 teachers and 10,000 students using the Mobile CSP curriculum.

The Mobile Computer Science Principles course (Mobile CSP) satisfies all requirements of the College Board's new AP Computer Science Principles course, which has been designed to help broaden participation in computer science among high school girls and underrepresented minorities.
The Mobile CSP course uses the visual programming language, MIT App Inventor, to provide a rigorous, programming-based introduction to computer science using a project-based curriculum. Students learn computer science by building socially useful mobile apps. In this way, student learning will be associated closely with their interests and grounded in their schools, their homes, and their communities.